Thursday, September 27, 2018

14) September 27, 2018

  1. Welcome
  2. Create a new blog post.
    1. Name it--14) September 27, 2018
  3. Check Your Grade!
  4. Finish Family History Timeline
    1. Link your timeline (NOT your spreadsheet)
    2. Add photos
  5. Family History Presentation
    1. Due Monday, October 1
    2. Evidence--Support/Clarity
      1. Photos?
      2. Documents?
    3. Three Minutes
      1. RUBRIC
    4. Bibliography
      1. Interviews
      2. Evidence
      3. EasyBib
    5. Volunteers
      1. Mandi
      2. Luna
      3. Breann
      4. Nick
      5. Emma
      6. Michael C
      7. Davis
  6. Daily Write--FH How to tell your story
    1. Why is your story worth telling?
    2. Is it entertaining to you?  Is it exciting, funny, or inspiring?  Is it a good story? Why?
    3. Is it important?  Is it memorable, did something change, did it affect you, or did it affect history?
    4. How do you tell your story?  Who is/are the focus of the story and how much background do you need to tell to help the audience know and understand the story?
  7. Ethnicity, Nationality, Culture
  8. Question Your Answers
    1. How do you know what you know?
  9. Daily Closing
    1. What did you learn?
    2. How did you learn it? (What did we do and what got you to understand it?)
    3. How does it or will it affect you?
    4. How can you use it?

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